High School
Girls Sevens
The Atlantis Girls Development Program
Player Identification and Skills Clinics identify players for selection to our age grade travel teams, and offer players of all abilities an opportunity to improve Atlantis is a teaching and development program. Most but not all clinics will include benchmark sprint and fitness testing. Our clinics do not provide written individual feedback, but are used as a primary selection event.
High Performance Tournament Travel Team. Our criteria for selection is based in equal parts on character, skill, & athleticism, and our identification process is varied. Selection to the age grade teams (U14-U23) occurs at a clinic, a local competition scout, inquiry form submission, and coach recommendation, to name a few. Atlantis has a network built from the long history of past players and coaches throughout the country and overseas. We are looking for the best available players. Prior performance is a consideration, but not a guarantee, of continued selection. Players selected to tour will be required to arrive for a 1-3 day camp, followed by a 1-2 day tournament.
The Atlantis Girls will have opportunities throughout the 2024-2025 cycle to participate in the Atlantis Clinics in Delaware (September 8) and Ohio (September 15) as well as the Fall 15s Academy taking place on Mondays in Conshohocken, PA beginning on September 16.
Additionally, we will be competing at the Old Northstate Invitation in North Carolina the weekend of November 9 and New York 7s on November 30. We anticipate announcing a spring 2025 Academy as well and will be competing in both Tropical 7s and North American invitational in 2025.